


The content on these web pages was written by the individual pictured above. I consider it free (free as in speech, not as in beer), mainly due to the fact that what I perceive as my identity is largely influenced by my surroundings and thus is every idea that comes to my mind. The whole concept of claiming any of that should belong to me and me alone seems completely absurd.

Along the same lines, please don't copy any of this and claim it was your idea. But feel free to let it have any influence you like upon you (please don't blame me, you have been warned).

If you are not sure wether you understand this or how it's supposed to work out, read the Economy of Ideas to give yourself a starter.

If you absolutely must have a legal instruction on how to handle this, you are a poor fellow. But I am not indifferent to your problems: consider the OC license as valid for everything you read on my pages.