
Part 1

How not to snowboard. More specifically, how to try to impress some girls with a spectacular jump and fail, completely.

Exhibit A: before the jump

Exhibit B: the jump

Exhibit C: after the jump

The morale of the story: don't try this at home, kids!

Part 2

How to snowboard. A small movie from the 90's showing our friend Peer, the master of the craft, Mr. Snow Bond himself.

Part 3

How to Sandboard. Check out the Divx movie featuring my friend Donovan (the instructor) and me (the guy in the white shirt falling over the jump ramp) and some other dudes sandboarding in cape town bay (spectacular views in the background!).

Part 4

How to play Ultimate Frisbee. Check out this training session of the Maultaschen Tübingen.